Tuesday, January 30, 2007


The demand for me updating this blog has far surpassed that of "Black Lane". Anyways, Says' short lived rap career faded quickly and he said he has been training again. This pic of Says is from last year when we visited Fry in CO. Says had a some "issues" with adapting to the altitude. Anyways, he called me to inform me that he has recently purchased a nice, compact oxygen machine that he will use before and after all 60 min crits without hills. Way to go, buddy. Also, he isn't pictured here, but I can assure Carney was drinking when this pic was taken.


Spice said...

Jackass, why don't you go down to the cancer clinic and bust their balls...

Kralldiggler said...

you started this war!

beer drinkin irishman said...

I go out skiing to Colorado w/ two of my buddies, and one can't walk up a step w/out being out of breath and the other is calling his girl back east saying how much he missed her. No wonder I drank the whole time.

Kralldiggler said...

good stuff, carney. what was the name of the bar at the base of copper? all those damn yahoos in there singing.